Definition of avert




The word "avert" has a fascinating history! It comes from the Latin verb "avertere," which means "to turn away" or "to turn from." This Latin verb is a combination of "a-" (meaning "away" or "from") and "vertere" (meaning "to turn"). The word "avert" entered Middle English from Old French "avertir," which was borrowed from Latin. The earliest recorded use of "avert" dates back to the 14th century. Initially, it meant "to turn away" or "to avert the eyes." Over time, its meaning expanded to include "to divert" or "to prevent" something, such as danger or harm. Today, "avert" is often used in formal language to mean "to prevent" or "to forestall" something, especially in a more formal or official context. I hope that's a useful origin story for you!


to prevent something bad or dangerous from happening

để ngăn chặn một cái gì đó xấu hoặc nguy hiểm xảy ra

  • A disaster was narrowly averted.

    Một thảm họa đã được ngăn chặn trong gang tấc.

  • He did his best to avert suspicion.

    Anh ấy đã cố gắng hết sức để tránh sự nghi ngờ.

  • Talks are taking place in an attempt to avert a strike.

    Các cuộc đàm phán đang diễn ra nhằm ngăn chặn một cuộc đình công.

  • He managed to avert the closure of the factory.

    Anh ta đã tìm cách ngăn chặn việc đóng cửa nhà máy.

to turn your eyes, etc. away from something that you do not want to see

quay mắt đi, v.v. khỏi cái gì đó mà bạn không muốn nhìn thấy

  • She averted her eyes from the terrible scene in front of her.

    Cô ngoảnh mặt khỏi cảnh tượng khủng khiếp trước mắt.

Extra examples:
  • He looked up, and she quickly averted her gaze.

    Anh ngước lên nhìn cô và cô nhanh chóng tránh ánh mắt anh.

  • They hastily averted their faces to hide their giggles.

    Họ vội vàng ngoảnh mặt đi để che giấu tiếng cười khúc khích.