Definition of neutralize


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The word "neutralize" originated in the late 19th century from the chemical concept of neutralization. In chemistry, neutralization refers to the process of balancing the pH level of an acidic or alkaline substance by adding an opposite reactant. The prefix "neu-" in the word "neutralize" comes from the Latin word "neuter," meaning neither positive nor negative. In chemistry, the term "neutral" is used to describe a chemical substance that has a pH level of 7, which is neither acidic nor alkaline. The term "neutralize" refers to the process of transforming an acidic or alkaline substance into a neutral (pH level of 7) compound by adding an opposite reactant. The word "neutralize" has since expanded in meaning beyond chemical contexts. It is now commonly used to describe the act of nullifying, eliminating, or equalizing an opposing force, such as detoxifying a dangerous substance, counteracting the effects of a poison, or balancing opposing military forces. The roots of this meaning were perhaps inspired by the concept of balancing pH levels, in which the opposite reaction ultimately leads to a neutral state.


to stop something from having any effect

để ngăn chặn một cái gì đó có hiệu lực

  • The latest figures should neutralize the fears of inflation.

    Những số liệu mới nhất sẽ hóa giải nỗi lo lạm phát.

  • This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote-winner.

    Chiến lược này đã vô hiệu hóa một cách hiệu quả những gì Đảng Bảo thủ hy vọng sẽ là người giành được phiếu bầu.

to make a substance neutral

để làm cho một chất trung tính

  • Lime was used to neutralize the acidity of the soil.

    Vôi được sử dụng để trung hòa độ chua của đất.

to make a country or an area neutral

để làm cho một quốc gia hoặc một khu vực trung lập

  • The treaty neutralized the Black Sea.

    Hiệp ước đã vô hiệu hóa Biển Đen.