Definition of circumvent




The word "circumvent" has its roots in Latin. The Latin phrase "circumvenire" means "to go around" or "to circumvent". This phrase is a combination of "circum", meaning "around" or "about", and "venire", meaning "to come". In English, the word "circumvent" has been used since the 14th century to mean "to avoid or evade something by going around it", often in a clever or sneaky way.


to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule

để tìm cách tránh một khó khăn hoặc một quy tắc

  • They found a way of circumventing the law.

    Họ đã tìm ra cách để lách luật.

to go or travel around something that is blocking your way

đi hoặc đi vòng quanh cái gì đó đang cản đường bạn