Definition of atrocious


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The word "atrocious" has a rich history. It originates from the Latin word "atrocius," which means "wicked" or "cruel." This Latin word is derived from the verb "atrocire," which means "to make cruel" or "to make wicked." The Latin "atrocius" was later adopted into Middle English as "atrocious," with the same meaning as its Latin predecessor. The word initially referred to something that was wicked or cruel, but over time, it began to take on a broader meaning to describe something that was also repellent, disgusting, or repugnant. Today, "atrocious" is often used to describe something that is considered morally reprehensible or unacceptable, such as a heinous crime or an atrocious act of violence.


very bad or unpleasant

rất tệ hoặc khó chịu

  • She speaks French with an atrocious accent.

    Cô ấy nói tiếng Pháp với một giọng khủng khiếp.

  • Isn't the weather atrocious?

    Thời tiết không tệ lắm sao?

Related words and phrases

very cruel and making you feel shocked

rất tàn nhẫn và khiến bạn cảm thấy sốc

  • atrocious acts of brutality

    những hành động tàn ác tàn bạo