Definition of horrific


kinh khủng


The origin of the word "horrific" can be traced back to the late Middle English period. The word stems from the Old French term "horribel," which itself was derived from the Latin adjective "horribilis." In Latin, "horribilis" literally translates to "inspiring terror" or "terrifying," with the root word "horr-" meaning fright or dread, and the suffix "-ible" denoting a quality. The original meaning of "horrific" in Middle English, around the 14th century, aligned closely with the Latin etymology, denoting something that inspires deep-seated fear or terror. Over time, the word's usage broadened to describe anything that is markedly unpleasant or repellent, particularly in terms of appearance or character. Theverb forms of "horrific" often indicate a heightened intensity or severity, such as "horrify" or "horrifically," emphasizing the extreme nature of the event or action in question. In summary, "horrific" originated from the Old French "horribel," which derived from the Latin "horribilis," meaning inspiring terror or something marked by deep-seated fear, and over time, has broadened to describe something unpleasant or repellent.


extremely bad and making you feel shocked or frightened

cực kỳ tồi tệ và khiến bạn cảm thấy sốc hoặc sợ hãi

  • a horrific murder/accident/attack, etc.

    một vụ giết người/tai nạn/tấn công khủng khiếp, v.v.

  • Her injuries were horrific.

    Vết thương của cô ấy thật khủng khiếp.

  • She’s been through a horrific ordeal.

    Cô ấy đã trải qua một thử thách khủng khiếp.

Extra examples:
  • Some of the scenes we witnessed were quite horrific.

    Một số cảnh chúng tôi chứng kiến ​​khá kinh hoàng.

  • There's been a horrific murder.

    Đã xảy ra một vụ giết người kinh hoàng.

Related words and phrases

very bad or unpleasant

rất tệ hoặc khó chịu

  • We had a horrific trip.

    Chúng tôi đã có một chuyến đi khủng khiếp.

Related words and phrases