Definition of astral


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The word "astral" has its roots in Latin and Greek. The Latin word "aster", meaning "star", is related to the Greek word "aster", also meaning "star". The term "astral" was first used in the 17th century to describe the stars or celestial bodies. Over time, the term evolved to also describe the hypothetical sphere or plane that is believed to surround the Earth, which was thought to be peopled by spirits or celestial beings. In the 19th century, the term "astral" became associated with the concept of the astral plane, a spiritual realm that was believed to be a influence on human behavior and consciousness. This concept was heavily influenced by Theosophy and the teachings of Helena Blavatsky. Today, the term "astral" is often used in spirituality and new age contexts to describe the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.


connected with the stars

kết nối với các ngôi sao

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connected with the spiritual rather than the physical world of existence

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  • the astral plane

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