Definition of academically


về mặt học thuật


The word "academically" has its roots in the Latin phrase "academica", which referred to the teachings and writings of the Academy of Athens, a prominent philosophical institution in ancient Greece. The word "academica" was later adopted into Middle English as "academike" or "academic", meaning related to or pertaining to a university or higher education. Over time, the suffix "-ally" was added to form "academically", meaning in a manner conforming to the standards or principles of an academy or university. Today, "academically" is used to describe someone's approach to learning, research, or intellectual pursuits, and connotes a focus on rigorous scholarship and intellectual rigor. In other words, "academically" is a nod to the rich intellectual traditions of ancient Greece and the esteemed institutions that have followed in their footsteps.


in a way that is connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities

theo cách liên quan đến giáo dục, đặc biệt là học tập ở trường học và trường đại học

  • You have to do well academically to get into medical school.

    Bạn phải học giỏi mới có thể vào được trường y.

in a way that involves a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills

theo cách đòi hỏi phải đọc và nghiên cứu nhiều hơn là các kỹ năng thực tế hoặc kỹ thuật

  • He wasn’t very well qualified academically but had a lot of experience.

    Ông ấy không có trình độ học vấn cao nhưng lại có nhiều kinh nghiệm.

  • academically gifted children

    trẻ em có năng khiếu học tập