Definition of learned


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The word "learned" has its origins in the Old English word "lernan," which means "to learn" or "to acquire knowledge." This word evolved over time, and by the early 14th century, it had taken on the meaning of "having knowledge or scholarship acquired through study or education." In Middle English, the word "leerne" appeared, which meant "a student," or "one who learns." The word "lever" was also used at this time, meaning "one who is learning." By the late 15th century, the word "learned" began to be used to refer to individuals who had acquired a high level of knowledge or scholarship in a particular subject. This usage continued through the Renaissance and helped to elevate the status of scholars and intellectuals. Over time, the meaning of "learned" expanded to include not just knowledge in a specific subject area, but also knowledge that was acquired through experience or practical application. In modern English, "learned" is often used as a synonym for "educated" or "knowledgeable." Overall, the use of the word "learned" highlights the value placed on education and the accumulation of knowledge throughout history. It signifies a level of expertise or understanding that is the result of study, research, and practice, and it continues to be an important term in English today.


in or towards the north-east

ở hoặc hướng về phía đông bắc

  • travelling in a north-easterly direction

    đi theo hướng đông bắc

blowing from the north-east

thổi từ hướng đông bắc