Definition of abusively


lạm dụng


The word "abusively" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "abusus" means "mistake" or "wrong use," and it is the past participle of the verb "abutere," which means "to misuse" or "to abuse." The English word "abusively" was first recorded in the 15th century. It is an adverb that means "in an abusive or unjust manner," and it is often used to describe behavior that is harsh, unjust, or cruel. For example: "The manager was accused of treating his employees abusively, ignoring their complaints and terminating them without warning." Throughout history, the word "abusively" has been used to describe a range of unjust behaviors, from physical abuse to emotional manipulation. In modern times, it is often used to describe workplace bullying, harassment, or other forms of abuse.


in a way that is rude and offensive; in a way that criticizes somebody/something rudely and unfairly

theo cách thô lỗ và xúc phạm; theo cách chỉ trích ai đó/cái gì đó một cách thô lỗ và không công bằng

  • He shouted abusively at the referee.

    Anh ta hét lớn chửi bới trọng tài.

in a way that involves violence

theo cách liên quan đến bạo lực

  • to treat somebody abusively

    đối xử tệ bạc với ai đó

in a way that uses power or knowledge unfairly or wrongly

theo cách sử dụng quyền lực hoặc kiến ​​thức một cách không công bằng hoặc sai trái

  • There are no measures in place to prevent this extreme power from being used abusively.

    Không có biện pháp nào được đưa ra để ngăn chặn việc sử dụng sai mục đích quyền lực cực đoan này.