Definition of aggressively


một cách hung hăng


The word "aggressively" has its roots in the Latin words "aggressus," meaning "assault" or "attack," and the suffix "-ively," which forms an adverb. The word was first used in the late 16th century to describe an action that is done in an aggressive or hostile manner. In the early years, the word was used to describe the behavior of animals, particularly insects and reptiles, that were considered aggressive or invasive. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include human behavior, and it began to be used to describe people who acted aggressively towards others. In modern English, "aggressively" is often used to describe behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or dominate others, whether physical or verbal. It can also be used to describe a strong and forceful approach to achieving a goal or solving a problem.


in a way that is angry and threatening

theo cách tức giận và đe dọa

  • ‘What do you want?’ he demanded aggressively.

    “Cô muốn gì?” anh hung hăng hỏi.

in a way that shows force and that is determined to succeed

theo cách thể hiện sức mạnh và quyết tâm thành công

  • aggressively marketed products

    sản phẩm được tiếp thị tích cực