Definition of voracity


tính háu ăn


The word "voracity" has its roots in Latin. "Vorare" is the Latin verb that means "to devour" or "to eat voraciously." From this root, the Latin noun "voracitas" was derived, meaning "voraciousness" or "ravenousness." The word "voracity" was later borrowed into Middle English from Old French, where it was spelled "voracité." In English, "voracity" has been used since the 15th century to describe a strong and excessive appetite, particularly for food. It can also be used more broadly to describe a passionate or intense desire for something. Today, the word is often used to describe things like a voracious appetite for knowledge or a voracity for adventure.


the fact of eating or wanting large amounts of food

thực tế là ăn hoặc muốn ăn một lượng lớn thức ăn

  • the voracity of predators

    sự tham lam của động vật ăn thịt

the quality of wanting a lot of new information and knowledge

chất lượng của việc muốn có nhiều thông tin và kiến ​​thức mới

  • the breadth and voracity of her reading

    sự rộng lớn và sự tham lam trong việc đọc của cô ấy