Definition of gobble


ngấu nghiến


The word "gobble" has its roots in an Old English verb called "gleolan," which means "to devour noisily." This verb evolved over time into the Middle English word "gobelen," which had a similar meaning. In the late 16th century, the word "gobble" appeared in English, initially as a noun meaning "food preserved in its own fat," particularly in reference to meat products. By the early 19th century, the word "gobble" was also being used as an intransitive verb, meaning "to make quick swallowing motions with the throat as a sign of thanks," a usage that may have arisen from the sound made by swallowing rapidly. This meaning likely evolved from the earlier sense of "gobble" as meaning "to devour noisily," as the sound of gobbling can be quite loud. It is this latter meaning that has come to be associated with Thanksgiving and the act of eating large amounts of food quickly, especially by turkeys. The first recorded use of "gobble" in this sense was in 1849, when it appeared in an article in the New-York Daily Tribune, referring to the sounds made by turkeys on Thanksgiving Day. Since that time, "gobble" has become a widely recognized and familiar term for the sound of a turkey eating, as well as for the frenzied eating that accompanies many Thanksgiving feasts.


to eat something very fast, in a way that people consider rude or greedy

ăn cái gì đó rất nhanh, theo cách mà mọi người coi là thô lỗ hoặc tham lam

  • Don't gobble your food like that!

    Đừng ngấu nghiến đồ ăn như thế!

  • They gobbled down all the sandwiches.

    Họ ngấu nghiến tất cả những chiếc bánh sandwich.

  • He gobbled up the last of the chocolates.

    Anh ăn miếng sôcôla cuối cùng.

Related words and phrases

when a turkey gobbles, it makes a noise in its throat

khi con gà tây ngấu nghiến, nó sẽ phát ra âm thanh trong cổ họng

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