Definition of virility


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The word "virility" originated from Latin, where "vir" means "man" and the suffix "-ility" means "quality" or "state". In Latin, the word "virilitas" referred to the quality of being masculine or manly, and was often used to describe the physical and emotional traits associated with masculinity, such as strength, courage, and fertility. In English, the word "virility" emerged in the 15th century and initially retained its Latin connotations. Over time, its meaning expanded to encompass a broader range of associations with masculinity, including social and cultural expectations of male behavior and performance. Today, the word "virility" is often used in a more nuanced and complex sense, encompassing both physical and psychological aspects of masculinity.


sexual power in men

sức mạnh tình dục ở nam giới

  • displays of male virility

    biểu hiện của sự nam tính

  • a need to prove his virility

    nhu cầu chứng minh sự nam tính của mình

strength or energy

sức mạnh hoặc năng lượng

  • economic virility

    sức mạnh kinh tế