Definition of virile


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The word "virile" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "virilis" means "manly" or "masculine," and is derived from "vir," which means "man." In ancient Roman culture, a "vir" was a adult male citizen, often associated with strength, courage, and power. When the Latin language evolved into the Romance languages, such as French and Spanish, the word "virilis" was adapted into "virile." In English, the word "virile" was borrowed from French in the 15th century, initially meaning "manly" or "having the qualities of a man." Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include connotations of sexual potency and masculinity, particularly in the Victorian era. Today, the word "virile" is often used to describe qualities such as strength, courage, and physical attractiveness, particularly in the context of men.


strong and full of energy, especially sexual energy

mạnh mẽ và tràn đầy năng lượng, đặc biệt là năng lượng tình dục

having or showing the strength and energy that is considered typical of men

có hoặc thể hiện sức mạnh và năng lượng được coi là đặc trưng của đàn ông

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    một màn trình diễn nam tính

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    thể thao nam tính