Definition of vestibule


tiền đình


The word "vestibule" originally comes from the Latin word "vestibulum," which translates to "little vestibule" or "small entrance hall." In ancient Roman architecture, a vestibulum referred to a small room or space located at the entrance of a building, which served as a transition zone between the outside world and the interior of the structure. The vestibulum was designed to protect the main doors and walls from weather conditions, and it also provided additional space for people to remove their outer garments before entering the main room. In English, the word "vestibule" has been adopted to denote similar spaces found in modern buildings, such as lobbies, foyers, or entries.


an entrance hall of a large building, for example where hats and coats can be left

tiền sảnh của một tòa nhà lớn, ví dụ như nơi có thể để mũ và áo khoác

  • The flooring of the church vestibule is made of Italian marble.

    Sàn tiền sảnh nhà thờ được làm bằng đá cẩm thạch của Ý.

a space at the end of a coach on a train that connects it with the next coach

một khoảng trống ở cuối toa trên một chuyến tàu kết nối nó với toa tiếp theo