Definition of stocktaking


dự trữ


The term "stocktaking" originates from the practice of physically counting and listing all the goods in a merchant's "stock" or inventory. The word "stock" itself comes from the Old Norse word "stokkr," meaning "trunk" or "log," which was used to refer to a wooden log used to support a ship's hull. This evolved to refer to a collection of goods, and by the 14th century, "stock" was used to mean a merchant's inventory. The act of physically examining and recording this stock became known as "stocktaking."


the process of making a list of all the goods in a shop or business

quá trình lập danh sách tất cả hàng hóa trong một cửa hàng hoặc cơ sở kinh doanh

  • closed for stocktaking

    đóng cửa để kiểm kê

  • Who does the stocktaking?

    Ai thực hiện việc kiểm kê?

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quá trình suy nghĩ cẩn thận về tình huống hoặc vị trí của chính bạn

  • She had some mental stocktaking to do.

    Cô có một số việc kiểm kê tinh thần phải làm.