Definition of spacing


khoảng cách


The word "spacing" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The earliest recorded use of the word "spacing" dates back to the 14th century, where it referred to the action of measuring or calculating the distance between things. This sense of measurement comes from the Old English words "spæcen", meaning "to measure", and "spæcing", meaning " interval or space". Over time, the meaning of "spacing" has expanded to include various contexts, such as: * Spacing in writing refers to the act of leaving space between letters, words, or lines. * Spacing in science and engineering refers to the measurement of distances or intervals between objects or points. * Spacing in social dynamics refers to the physical distance or distance between individuals. The word "spacing" has evolved from its origins in measurement to encompass a range of meanings, each related to the concept of distance, interval, or separation.


the amount of space that is left between things, especially between the words or lines printed on a page

lượng không gian còn lại giữa các thứ, đặc biệt là giữa các từ hoặc dòng được in trên một trang

  • single/double spacing (= with one or two lines left between lines of type)

    khoảng cách đơn/đôi (= cách một hoặc hai dòng giữa các dòng chữ)

the amount of time that is left between things happening

khoảng thời gian còn lại giữa các sự việc xảy ra

  • In music, the spacing of intervals is vital.

    Trong âm nhạc, khoảng cách giữa các quãng rất quan trọng.