Definition of solemnly


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"Solemnly" originates from the Old French word "solennement," which itself comes from the Latin "solennis," meaning "yearly" or "annual." However, the meaning shifted from referring to something happening annually to something marked by formality and seriousness. This shift likely occurred because annual events, like religious festivals, were often conducted with great ceremony and respect. Over time, "solemn" came to be associated with seriousness and gravity, which is reflected in "solemnly" today.


without smiling or looking happy

không mỉm cười hay trông hạnh phúc

  • He nodded solemnly.

    Anh ấy gật đầu trịnh trọng.

Related words and phrases

in a very serious and sincere way

một cách rất nghiêm túc và chân thành

  • She solemnly promised not to say a word to anyone about it.

    Cô trịnh trọng hứa sẽ không nói một lời nào với bất cứ ai về chuyện đó.

  • The choir walked solemnly past.

    Ca đoàn trang trọng bước qua.