Definition of sideshow


chương trình biểu diễn phụ


The word "sideshow" has a fascinating history! During the 17th and 18th centuries, traveling fairs and circuses would often feature supplementary attractions, such as acrobats, jugglers, or fortune tellers, that would perform alongside the main acts. These additional shows or performances were referred to as "sideshows." Over time, the term "sideshow" came to describe any secondary or peripheral attraction, not just those associated with traveling fairs. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the term gained popularity in the context of circus and carnival culture, where it referred to the wide range of small attractions, games, and exhibits that were offered to spectators. Today, the term "sideshow" encompasses a broader meaning, including anything that is secondary or auxiliary to the main event, be it entertainment, politics, or technology.


a separate small show or attraction at a fair or circus where you pay to see a performance or take part in a game

một chương trình nhỏ riêng biệt hoặc điểm tham quan tại hội chợ hoặc rạp xiếc nơi bạn trả tiền để xem một buổi biểu diễn hoặc tham gia một trò chơi

an activity or event that is much less important than the main activity or event

một hoạt động hoặc sự kiện ít quan trọng hơn nhiều so với hoạt động hoặc sự kiện chính

  • Defeat in the local elections was a sideshow compared to what happened in the general election.

    Thất bại trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương không là gì so với những gì xảy ra trong cuộc tổng tuyển cử.