Definition of seemingly


có vẻ


"Seemingly" traces its roots back to the Old English word "sēman," meaning "to appear" or "to be seen." This word evolved into "seeming" in Middle English, and by the 16th century, the adverbial form "seemingly" emerged. Essentially, "seemingly" signifies something that appears to be true or real, but may not necessarily be so, adding a layer of uncertainty or doubt.


in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be

theo cách có vẻ đúng nhưng thực tế có thể không

  • a seemingly stupid question

    một câu hỏi có vẻ ngu ngốc

  • a seemingly endless journey

    một cuộc hành trình dường như vô tận

  • It was a seemingly impossible task.

    Đó là một nhiệm vụ dường như bất khả thi.

according to what you have read or heard

theo những gì bạn đã đọc hoặc nghe

  • Seemingly, he borrowed the money from the bank.

    Có vẻ như anh ta đã vay tiền từ ngân hàng.

  • They were seemingly having an affair.

    Họ dường như đang ngoại tình.

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