Definition of manifest


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The word "manifest" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "manifestus" means "clear" or "plain", and it is derived from "manus" (hand) and "fest" (set or fixed). This Latin word was later adopted into Middle English as "manifest", meaning "plain to see" or "clearly shown". In the 14th century, the word "manifest" began to be used to describe something that is obvious or evident, such as a manifest opinion or a manifest error. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of making something visible or tangible, such as manifesting a ghost or manifesting a product. In modern English, the word "manifest" has a range of meanings, including making something obvious, explicit, or visible; declaring or announcing something publicly; and serving as evidence or proof of something. It is often used in contexts such as politics, philosophy, and spirituality, where it is used to describe the process of bringing something into being or making it visible to the world.


to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality

để thể hiện một cái gì đó rõ ràng, đặc biệt là một cảm giác, một thái độ hoặc một phẩm chất

  • Social tensions were manifested in the recent political crisis.

    Căng thẳng xã hội được biểu hiện trong cuộc khủng hoảng chính trị gần đây.

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to appear or become easy to notice

xuất hiện hoặc trở nên dễ dàng để ý

  • The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.

    Các triệu chứng của bệnh biểu hiện mười ngày sau đó.

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