Definition of scare


làm kinh hãi, sợ hãi, dọa, sự sợ hãi, sự kinh hoàng


Definition of undefined

The word "scare" has its roots in Old Norse and Old English. In Old Norse, the word "sker" meant "to shun" or "to flee from", and in Old English, the word "sceran" meant "to frighten" or "to terrify". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved into the modern English word "scare", which means to cause fear or alarm in someone. The verb "scare" has been in use since the 14th century, and is often used in the phrase "to scare someone" or "to scare something", meaning to frighten or intimidate someone or something. The word "scare" is also related to other English words such as "sharpen" and "share", which all come from the same Old Norse and Old English roots.


to frighten somebody

làm ai đó sợ hãi

  • You scared me.

    Bạn làm tôi sợ.

  • It scared me to think I was alone in the building.

    Tôi sợ hãi khi nghĩ rằng mình đang ở một mình trong tòa nhà.

Extra examples:
  • The very thought of flying scares me stiff.

    Chỉ nghĩ đến việc bay thôi cũng làm tôi sợ cứng người.

  • You don't scare me with your threats!

    Bạn đừng làm tôi sợ với những lời đe dọa của bạn!

to become frightened

trở nên sợ hãi

  • He doesn't scare easily.

    Anh ấy không dễ dàng sợ hãi.


frighten/scare the (living) daylights out of somebody
(informal)to frighten somebody very much
frighten/scare the life out of somebody
(informal)to frighten somebody very much
  • You scared the life out of me coming in so suddenly like that.
  • frighten/scare somebody to death
    (informal)to frighten somebody very much
  • Spiders frighten him to death.
  • scare the shit out of somebody | scare somebody shitless
    (taboo, slang)to frighten somebody very much