Definition of sanctify


thánh hóa


The word "sanctify" comes from the Latin "sanctificare," which means "to make holy" or "to consecrate." This Latin verb is a combination of "sanctus," meaning "holy" or "consecrated," and the suffix "-ficare," which is a derivative of "facere," meaning "to make." In Christianity, the concept of sanctification is central to the doctrine of salvation. Sanctification refers to the process by which believers are set apart for God's use and become more like Christ. Throughout the Bible, sanctification is depicted as a gradual process that begins at conversion and continues throughout a person's life as they grow in their faith. The word "sanctify" has been used in the English language since the 14th century and is primarily used in religious contexts to describe the act of making something or someone holy.


to make something holy

làm cho cái gì đó trở nên thánh thiện

to make something seem right or legal; to give official approval to something

làm cho cái gì đó có vẻ đúng hoặc hợp pháp; đưa ra sự chấp thuận chính thức cho cái gì đó

  • This was a practice sanctified by tradition.

    Đây là một tập tục được truyền thống tôn sùng.

  • Psychology had sanctified the opinion that youthful rebellion was a natural stage of adolescence.

    Tâm lý học đã củng cố quan điểm cho rằng sự nổi loạn của tuổi trẻ là giai đoạn tự nhiên của tuổi mới lớn.