Definition of exalt


nâng cao


The word "exalt" is derived from the Latin word "exaltāre," which means "to raise up" or "to lift up." The Latin prefix "ex-" indicates "out," "from," or "off," and the verb "altāre" means "to lift up" or "raise." In Old English, the word was spelled "exalten" and meant "to elevate" or "to magnify." In Middle English, the word was spelled "exalten" and "exalten," and it used to mean "to lift up" or "to raise high." Today, "exalt" is commonly used as a verb that means "to raise in rank, honor, or esteem" or "to elevate in feeling or attitude." Its use is found primarily in literary, theological, and poetic contexts, where it is used to convey a sense of grandeur, majesty, or spiritual elevation.


to make somebody rise to a higher rank or position, sometimes to one that they do not deserve

làm cho ai đó thăng lên một cấp bậc hoặc vị trí cao hơn, đôi khi lên một vị trí mà họ không xứng đáng

  • His son was exalted to a high position in the government through family connections.

    Con trai ông được đề bạt lên chức vụ cao trong chính phủ nhờ quan hệ gia đình.

to praise somebody/something very much

khen ngợi ai/cái gì rất nhiều

  • He was exalted as a pillar of the community.

    Ông được tôn vinh như một trụ cột của cộng đồng.