Definition of glorify


tôn vinh


The origin of the word "glorify" can be traced back to the Middle English word "glorifien," which originated from the Old French word "glorifier" meaning "to make famous or praise." This can be understood by breaking down the word "glorify" into its root words: "glor-" from the Latin word "glorious," meaning "famous" or "renowned," and "-ify" from the Latin word "facere," meaning "to make" or "to do." Therefore, the verb "glorify" can be defined as "to make famous or renowned, to praise, to magnify, or to give honor to" something or someone extraordinary, divine, or worthy of admiration. It is commonly used in religious contexts to describe the act of giving honor and praise to a divine being or object, but it can also be used more broadly to describe any action that elevates or honors something or someone to a higher state of admiration or reverence.


to make something seem better or more important than it really is

làm cho cái gì đó có vẻ tốt hơn hoặc quan trọng hơn thực tế

  • He denies that the movie glorifies violence.

    Ông phủ nhận rằng bộ phim tôn vinh bạo lực.

to praise and worship God

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