Definition of sacredness


sự thiêng liêng


The word "sacredness" has its roots in the Old English word "sgēadic", which referred to something that was revered or held in awe. This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*segiz", which is also the source of the Modern English word "sacred". The Proto-Germanic word is thought to be derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*sek-" which meant "to hold sacred" or "to consecrate". This root is also the source of other words such as " sanctuary" and "secular". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word "sacredness" evolved to encompass a sense of reverence, respect, and spiritual significance. Today, the word is used to describe something that is considered holy, blessed, or consecrated, and is often associated with religious or spiritual contexts.


the quality of being connected with God or a god or of being holy

phẩm chất được kết nối với Chúa hoặc một vị thần hoặc là sự thánh thiện

  • the sacredness of the temple

    sự thiêng liêng của ngôi đền

Related words and phrases

the quality of being very important and needing to be treated with great respect

chất lượng rất quan trọng và cần được đối xử với sự tôn trọng lớn lao

  • a belief in the sacredness of all life

    niềm tin vào sự thiêng liêng của mọi sự sống