Definition of holiness


sự thánh thiện


The word "holiness" comes from the Old English word hāl, meaning "whole" or "unharmed." In its original context, holiness referred to a person's physical and spiritual wholeness, as well as their purity and separation from sin. The concept of holiness has roots in both Judaism and Christianity. In Judaism, the Hebrew word kadosh, meaning "set apart," is often used to describe God's holiness, as well as the holiness of certain objects and people. In Christianity, holiness is often defined as a state of being set apart for God and characterized by a deep sense of love, compassion, and obedience to God's will. This concept is rooted in the New Testament, particularly the teachings of Paul, who wrote extensively about the importance of sanctification and living a holy life. Over time, the meaning of holiness has evolved to include more emphasis on personal morality and piety, particularly in Protestant Christianity. However, the underlying concepts of separation from sin and dedication to God remain central to the meaning of the word today. Overall, the origins of the word "holiness" reveal a deep-seated belief in both Judaism and Christianity that there is an inherent connection between spiritual purity, physical well-being, and relationship with God.


the quality of being holy

phẩm chất của sự thánh thiện

a title of respect used when talking to or about the Pope and some other religious leaders

một danh hiệu tôn trọng được sử dụng khi nói chuyện với hoặc về Giáo hoàng và một số nhà lãnh đạo tôn giáo khác

  • His Holiness Pope Francis

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