Definition of rip



The word "rip" has several meanings and origins, with its most common usage in modern day language being associated with tearing or separating. The earliest documented use of the word "rip" can be traced back to the Old English language (around 1000 AD) where it was spelled "reapian" and meant "to cut or gather (grain or fruit)." Over time, the spelling and the meaning of the word evolved, eventually settling into the modern version we know today. One possible explanation for the origin of the word "rip" meaning "to tear or pull apart" is that it comes from the Old Norse word "hreiptr," which meant "a person who tears apart, destroys, or plunders." This theory suggests that when English and Norse languages came into contact, the word "hreiptr" was borrowed by the English and transformed into "rip." Another possible theory is that the word "rip" comes from the Middle English word "ripe," which meant "mature" and was often used in reference to fruit. This suggests that "rip" might originally have referred to plucking or pulling off ripe fruit or vegetables, giving way to the modern usage of the word to mean splitting or separating something entirely. Regardless of its origins, "rip" is a versatile and widely used word today, appearing in various contexts such as describing waves in the ocean, the sound made by paper being torn, or the eager anticipation of tearing open a package or a bag of snacks.


to tear something or to become torn, often suddenly or violently

xé cái gì đó hoặc bị rách, thường đột ngột hoặc dữ dội

  • I ripped my jeans on the fence.

    Tôi xé quần jean của mình trên hàng rào.

  • The flags had been ripped in two.

    Những lá cờ đã bị xé làm đôi.

  • The nail ripped a hole in my jacket.

    Chiếc đinh làm rách một lỗ trên áo khoác của tôi.

  • I heard the tent rip.

    Tôi nghe thấy tiếng lều rách.

  • She ripped the letter open.

    Cô xé lá thư ra.

Extra examples:
  • He ripped open the plastic bag.

    Anh xé chiếc túi nhựa ra.

  • I ripped my coat on a nail.

    Tôi xé áo khoác của mình trên một chiếc đinh.

to remove something quickly or violently, often by pulling it

loại bỏ một cái gì đó một cách nhanh chóng hoặc bạo lực, thường bằng cách kéo nó

  • He ripped off his tie.

    Anh ta xé toạc cà vạt.

  • The carpet had been ripped from the stairs.

    Tấm thảm đã bị xé toạc từ cầu thang.

  • Half of the house was ripped away in the explosion.

    Một nửa ngôi nhà bị xé toạc sau vụ nổ.

to copy sound or video files from a website or CD on to a computer

để sao chép các tập tin âm thanh hoặc video từ một trang web hoặc CD vào máy tính

to change text or images into a form in which they can be displayed on a screen or printed

để thay đổi văn bản hoặc hình ảnh thành dạng có thể hiển thị trên màn hình hoặc in


let rip | let something rip
to go or allow something such as a car to go as fast as possible
  • Once on the open road, he let rip.
  • Come on Steve—let her rip.
  • to do something or to allow something to happen as fast as possible
  • This would cause inflation to let rip again.
  • let rip (at somebody)
    (informal)to speak or do something with great force, enthusiasm, etc. and without control
  • When she gets angry with her boyfriend, she really lets rip at him.
  • The group let rip with a single from their new album.
  • rip somebody/something apart/to shreds/to bits, etc.
    to destroy something; to criticize somebody very strongly
  • countries ripped apart by fighting
  • The dog had ripped a cushion to shreds.
  • tear/rip the heart out of something
    to destroy the most important part or aspect of something
  • Closing the factory tore the heart out of the community.
  • tear/rip somebody limb from limb
    (often humorous)to attack somebody very violently