Definition of retention


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The word "retention" has its roots in the Latin word "retenere," which means "to take or to hold back." This Latin verb is a combination of "re-" (back) and "tenere" (to hold or grasp). The word "retention" was first used in English in the 15th century to describe the act of holding or keeping something, such as an idea, a memory, or a possession. In the context of memory and learning, retention refers to the ability of the brain to retain and recall information over time. This concept was first studied and described by psychologists such as Hermann Ebbinghaus in the late 19th century. Since then, research on retention has continued, and the word has become a key term in fields such as education, psychology, and neuroscience. Today, retention is used in a wide range of contexts, from academic learning to marketing and advertising, to describe the process of holding onto and recalling information.


the action of keeping something rather than losing it or stopping it

hành động giữ một cái gì đó hơn là mất nó hoặc dừng nó

  • The company needs to improve its training and retention of staff.

    Công ty cần cải thiện việc đào tạo và giữ chân nhân viên.

the action of keeping liquid, heat, etc. inside something rather than letting it escape

hành động giữ chất lỏng, nhiệt, v.v. bên trong vật gì đó thay vì để nó thoát ra ngoài

  • Eating too much salt can cause fluid retention.

    Ăn quá nhiều muối có thể gây ứ nước.

  • the importance of energy conservation and heat retention

    tầm quan trọng của việc bảo tồn năng lượng và giữ nhiệt

the ability to remember things

khả năng ghi nhớ mọi thứ

  • Visual material aids the retention of information.

    Tài liệu trực quan hỗ trợ việc lưu giữ thông tin.