Definition of prominent


nổi bật


The word "prominent" originally comes from the Latin word "prominere," which means "protrude" or "stick out." In Old French, this word evolved into "prominent" and it initially referred to physical features that stood out or protruded from something else. Over time, the meaning of "prominent" began to change. In the 16th century, it started to be used to describe individuals who held a position of importance or influence, as these people stood out in a community or society. This use of "prominent" continues to this day, with the Oxford English Dictionary defining it as "conspicuous or noticeable, especially in an advantageous or favorable sense." The meaning of "prominent" has also expanded to include things that are noticeable or significant in other contexts, such as a prominent feature of a landscape or a prominent theme in a work of literature. In all of these uses, "prominent" continues to signify something that is notable or conspicuous, reflecting its origins in the Latin word "prominere."


important or well known

quan trọng hoặc nổi tiếng

  • a prominent politician

    một chính trị gia nổi tiếng

  • He played a prominent part in the campaign.

    Anh ấy đã đóng một vai trò nổi bật trong chiến dịch.

  • She was prominent in the fashion industry.

    Cô nổi bật trong làng thời trang.

  • Last month a group of prominent citizens of the town formed themselves into a committee to deal with the issue.

    Tháng trước, một nhóm công dân nổi tiếng của thị trấn đã thành lập một ủy ban để giải quyết vấn đề này.

easily seen

de dang nhin thay

  • The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.

    Tháp nhà thờ là một đặc điểm nổi bật trong cảnh quan.

  • The story was given a prominent position on the front page.

    Câu chuyện đã được đặt một vị trí nổi bật trên trang nhất.

Related words and phrases

sticking out from something

nhô ra khỏi cái gì đó

  • a prominent nose

    mũi nổi bật

  • prominent cheekbones

    xương gò má nổi bật