Definition of conspicuous


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The word "conspicuous" comes from the Latin word "conspicuus," which translates to "visible from afar" or "noticeable." The word first appeared in the English language in the late 17th century, and it has retained its original meaning of being easily perceptible. In biology, the term "conspicuous" is used to describe species or traits that are highly visible and stand out in their environment. This visibility can serve several purposes, such as attracting a mate, warning predators of toxicity, or signaling social status. Conspicuous traits can also make survival more challenging for the organism, as they may be more easily targeted by predators. In the context of human behavior, "conspicuous" is used to describe actions or objects that are readily apparent and draw attention. This term is often used in economics to describe the concept of conspicuous consumption, which refers to the expenditure of resources on goods or services that are intended to signal wealth or social status to others. In summary, the origin of the word "conspicuous" lies in its Latin roots, meaning "visible from afar." The term has evolved to describe visible, noticeable, or attention-grabbing objects, species, or behaviors in various fields, including biology and economics.

  • The red car stood out conspicuously in the sea of silver vehicles.

    Chiếc xe màu đỏ nổi bật giữa biển xe màu bạc.

  • The actor's conspicuous absence from the award ceremony raised many eyebrows.

    Sự vắng mặt đáng chú ý của nam diễn viên tại lễ trao giải đã khiến nhiều người ngạc nhiên.

  • The neon sign of the bar glowed conspicuously in the dark alleyway.

    Biển hiệu neon của quán bar sáng rực rỡ trong con hẻm tối tăm.

  • The athlete's performance was quite conspicuous, as it broke several world records.

    Thành tích của vận động viên này khá đáng chú ý khi đã phá vỡ một số kỷ lục thế giới.

  • The bouquet of bright pink flowers was conspicuously placed on the table at the entrance of the wedding hall.

    Bó hoa màu hồng tươi được đặt một cách nổi bật trên chiếc bàn ở lối vào sảnh cưới.

  • Despite the heavy rain, the yellow umbrella stood out conspicuously against the dreary grey sky.

    Mặc dù trời mưa to, chiếc ô màu vàng vẫn nổi bật trên nền trời xám xịt u ám.

  • The conspicuous consumption of luxury items by the wealthy has contributed to growing economic inequality.

    Việc người giàu chi tiêu quá mức các mặt hàng xa xỉ đã góp phần làm gia tăng bất bình đẳng kinh tế.

  • The conspicuous omission of certain facts in the report raised doubts about its credibility.

    Việc thiếu sót đáng chú ý một số sự kiện trong báo cáo đã làm dấy lên nghi ngờ về độ tin cậy của nó.

  • The suspect's conspicuous behavior attracted unwanted attention, making it difficult to conceal their identity.

    Hành vi đáng ngờ của nghi phạm đã thu hút sự chú ý không mong muốn, khiến việc che giấu danh tính trở nên khó khăn.

  • The conspicuous presentation of the evidence in court left no room for doubt about the defendant's guilt.

    Việc trình bày bằng chứng một cách rõ ràng tại tòa án không để lại bất kỳ nghi ngờ nào về tội lỗi của bị cáo.


conspicuous by your absence
not present in a situation or place, when it is obvious that you should be there
  • The meeting went well but Nigel was conspicuous by his absence.