Definition of perplexity


sự bối rối


The word "perplexity" comes from the Latin verb "perpliceo," which means "fold around" or "envelop." It is likely that the word originally referred to being surrounded or enveloped in a confusing situation, where one is not sure which way to turn. In Latin, the word was often used to describe intellectual puzzles or paradoxes. As the concept of philosophy developed in the Middle Ages, scholars adopted the Latin word and began using it to describe a state of confusion or uncertainty about a complex issue or problem. Over time, the meaning of "perplexity" evolved to encompass a wider range of emotions and experiences beyond confusion or uncertainty. It can also imply a sense of awe, amazement, or wonder at the complexity or intricacy of a situation. Today, the word "perplexity" is commonly used in English to describe a state of confusion, bewilderment, or uncertainty about a difficult or complex issue or problem. It can also be used more broadly to describe the feeling of being overwhelmed or unsure about how to proceed in a challenging situation.


the state of feeling confused and worried because you do not understand something

trạng thái cảm thấy bối rối và lo lắng vì bạn không hiểu điều gì đó

  • His comments have been the source of much perplexity and debate.

    Những bình luận của ông là nguồn gốc của nhiều sự bối rối và tranh luận.

  • Most of them just stared at her in perplexity.

    Hầu hết họ chỉ nhìn cô với vẻ bối rối.

Related words and phrases

something that is difficult to understand

điều gì đó thật khó hiểu

  • the perplexities of life

    những rắc rối của cuộc sống