Definition of peasant


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The word "peasant" has its roots in French, where it was originally spelled "paisant." The word's origin can be traced back to the 12th century, where it referred to a simple farmer or countryman who lived in the countryside. The word _paisant_ was derived from the Old French word "país," which meant "country" or "region." The term "peasant" came into common use during the Middle Ages when the feudal system was prevalent, and large landowners, known as lords or nobles, owned vast estates worked by the peasants. The peasants had little or no political power, Rights, or social status, and were expected to provide labor and taxes to their lords in exchange for the right to cultivate a small plot of land. The meaning of the word "peasant" has evolved over time. In some parts of the world, particularly in Eastern Europe, it was used as a pejorative term to denigrate rural people, perceived as uneducated, uncultured, and inferior. In modern usage, however, the word "peasant" has lost much of its negative connotation and is now used more neutrally to describe farmers, particularly those who work small plots of land to sustain their families. In conclusion, the term "peasant" originated in French in the 12th century, and referred to simple farmers who lived in rural areas of vast estates owned by lords. The meaning has evolved over time, sometimes carrying a pejorative connotation, but today it is a more neutral descriptor for farmers who work small plots of land to sustain their families.


(especially in the past, or in poorer countries) a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land

(đặc biệt là trong quá khứ hoặc ở các nước nghèo hơn) một nông dân sở hữu hoặc thuê một mảnh đất nhỏ

  • peasant farmers

    nông dân nông dân

  • a peasant family

    một gia đình nông dân

  • peasant revolts

    cuộc nổi dậy của nông dân

a person who is rude, behaves badly or has little education

một người thô lỗ, cư xử tồi tệ hoặc có ít học vấn

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