Definition of pastoral


Mục vụ


The origin of the word "pastoral" can be traced back to the Latin word "pastoralis," which means "relating to shepherding or sheepherding." During the medieval period in Europe, literature that depicted scenes of a shepherd's simple and peaceful life in the countryside came to be known as "pastoral poems" or "pastorals." These poems, rooted in the classical literary traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, celebrated the ideals of simplicity, tranquility, and harmony with nature. They often portrayed the shepherd as a wise and virtuous figure, enjoying a close relationship with his flock and communing with the natural world around him. The word "pastoral" came to be used more generally to denote any work, artistic model, or style that embodied these literary, aesthetic, and philosophical ideals. In music, for instance, the term "pastoral symphony" or "pastoral movement" refers to compositions that strive to capture the mood and spirit of the natural world, usually through the subtly evocative use of musical devices such as harmony, melody, and rhythm. In short, the word "pastoral" derives from the Latin word "pastoralis," meaning "shepherd-like," and originally referred to literary works that celebrated the simplicity, tranquility, and harmony with nature associated with the life of a shepherd. Its meanings have expanded over time, but the emphasis on natural beauty, simplicity, and human harmony with nature continues to inform its meanings in various contexts today.


relating to the work of a priest or teacher in giving help and advice on personal matters, not just those connected with religion or education

liên quan đến công việc của một linh mục hoặc giáo viên trong việc giúp đỡ và tư vấn về các vấn đề cá nhân, không chỉ những vấn đề liên quan đến tôn giáo hay giáo dục

  • pastoral care

    chăm sóc mục vụ

  • the church’s pastoral ministry in the inner cities.

    mục vụ của nhà thờ ở các khu vực nội thành.

showing country life or the countryside, especially in a romantic way

thể hiện cuộc sống nông thôn hoặc miền quê, đặc biệt là theo cách lãng mạn

  • a pastoral scene/poem/symphony

    một khung cảnh/bài thơ/bản giao hưởng đồng quê

relating to the farming of animals

liên quan đến chăn nuôi động vật

  • agricultural and pastoral practices

    thực hành nông nghiệp và mục vụ