Definition of provincial




The word "provincial" derives from the Latin word "provincia," which roughly translates to "province." A province, in ancient Roman times, was an administrative division of an empire, led by a governor who was responsible for carrying out the policies and decrees of the central government. During the Middle Ages, when the concept of independent city-states (also known as republics) became prominent, "provincial" began to be used to refer to someone who lived outside the confines of these urban centers. In other words, "provincial" became a term for those who resided in rural or less-populated areas, as opposed to the more cosmopolitan citizens of the cities. As time went on, the meaning of "provincial" broadened to take on connotations of amateurishness, narrow-mindedness, and a lack of sophistication. In modern usage, being called "provincial" is often viewed as a slight, implying that someone is out of touch with the wider world and its complexities. However, in some contexts, "provincial" can also have more positive connotations, highlighting a person's loyalty to their regional identity and culture. Today, the word continues to be used in both its historical and contemporary senses, reflecting the complex and sometimes contradictory meanings that it has accrued over time.


connected with one of the large areas that some countries are divided into, with its own local government

được kết nối với một trong những khu vực rộng lớn mà một số quốc gia được chia thành, với chính quyền địa phương của riêng mình

  • provincial assemblies/elections

    hội đồng/bầu cử cấp tỉnh

connected with the parts of a country that do not include the capital city, especially when these are regarded as lacking culture or modern ideas

kết nối với các khu vực của một quốc gia không bao gồm thủ đô, đặc biệt khi những khu vực này được coi là thiếu văn hóa hoặc ý tưởng hiện đại

  • a provincial town

    một thị trấn thuộc tỉnh

  • It was all very dull and provincial—I longed for the city.

    Tất cả đều buồn tẻ và quê mùa - tôi khao khát thành phố.

unwilling to consider new or different ideas or things

không sẵn lòng xem xét những ý tưởng hoặc sự việc mới hoặc khác biệt

  • In spite of his education and travels, he has remained very provincial.

    Mặc dù có trình độ học vấn và đi du lịch, anh ấy vẫn rất tỉnh lẻ.

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