Definition of oppress


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The word "oppress" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "optimare" means "to treat badly" or "to miserably treat." From there, the Latin word "opprimere" developed, which means "to press down" or "to crush." This Latin word was used to describe the act of exerting pressure or force upon someone or something to limit their freedom or rights. The English word "oppress" is a direct borrowing from this Latin root. It first appeared in the English language in the 14th century and has since been used to describe various forms of unjust or cruel treatment, such as moral or economic exploitation, tyranny, or persecution. Over time, the meaning of the word has expanded to encompass any situation where one party exerts power or control over another, often in a harmful or unjust manner.


to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially by not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people

đối xử với ai đó một cách tàn nhẫn và không công bằng, đặc biệt là bằng cách không cho họ sự tự do, quyền lợi, v.v. như những người khác

  • The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities.

    Chế độ này bị cáo buộc đàn áp các nhóm tôn giáo thiểu số.

  • Throughout history, our people have been oppressed and exploited.

    Trong suốt lịch sử, nhân dân ta đã bị áp bức, bóc lột.

to make somebody only able to think about things that make them sad or worried

làm cho ai đó chỉ có thể nghĩ về những điều khiến họ buồn hoặc lo lắng

  • The gloomy atmosphere in the office oppressed her.

    Bầu không khí u ám trong văn phòng làm cô ngột ngạt.

  • He was beginning to feel oppressed by his surroundings.

    Anh bắt đầu cảm thấy bị áp bức bởi môi trường xung quanh.

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