Definition of subdue


khuất phục


The word "subdue" has its roots in the Old English language and is derived from the word "sūðan," which meant "to overcome" or "to conquer." This root is related to the Germanic word "sudon," which meant the same thing. The Old English verb "sūðan" was used to describe the overpowering of a person, creature, or force. It was also used to signify the subduing or conquering of land, implying the idea of subjugation or control. The Middle English form of the word was "subden" and "subduen," which preserved theOld English verb's meaning. This form eventually evolved into the modern English word "subdue," which is defined as "to overcome or conquer (a person, animal, force, or land)" or "to bring under control or subjugation, especially by force or authority." The prefix "sub-" in "subdue" likely originated from the Old English word "sūb," meaning "under" or "beneath," which is still used in modern English. This prefix adds an idea of being "under the control of," which reinforces the sense of subjugation and dominance inherent in the word. Overall, the origin of the word "subdue" emphasizes its historical roots in the concept of violence, conquest, and domination, denoting a forceful and commanding action over a person, land, or force.


to bring somebody/something under control, especially by using force

đặt ai/cái gì vào tầm kiểm soát, đặc biệt bằng cách sử dụng vũ lực

  • Troops were called in to subdue the rebels.

    Quân đội được gọi đến để khuất phục quân nổi dậy.

  • The most serious charges relate to the regime’s efforts to subdue insurgents in the northern provinces.

    Những cáo buộc nghiêm trọng nhất liên quan đến nỗ lực của chế độ nhằm trấn áp quân nổi dậy ở các tỉnh phía Bắc.

Related words and phrases

to calm or control your feelings

để bình tĩnh hoặc kiểm soát cảm xúc của bạn

  • Julia had to subdue an urge to stroke his hair.

    Julia phải kìm nén ham muốn vuốt tóc anh.

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