Definition of obviousness


sự hiển nhiên


The word "obviousness" has its roots in the 15th-century English word "obvious," which means "clearly visible or understood." The suffix "-ness" is a nominalizing suffix that forms a noun indicating a quality or state. The word "obvious" comes from the Latin "ovationem," meaning "visible" or "manifest." This Latin term is derived from "videre," meaning "to see." In English, the word "obvious" has been used since the 14th century to describe something that is clearly perceivable or manifest. As for "obviousness," it is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being obvious. It was first recorded in the 17th century and has been used in English language since then to describe the clarity or transparency of something. In everyday language, "obviousness" is often used to describe things that are straightforward, clear-cut, or self-evident.


the fact of being easy to see or understand

thực tế là dễ nhìn thấy hoặc dễ hiểu

  • the obviousness of his injuries

    sự rõ ràng của những vết thương của anh ấy

the fact that most people would think of or agree to something

thực tế là hầu hết mọi người sẽ nghĩ đến hoặc đồng ý với điều gì đó

  • Casey rolled her eyes at the obviousness of the question.

    Casey đảo mắt trước sự hiển nhiên của câu hỏi.

the fact of not being interesting, new or showing imagination

thực tế là không thú vị, mới mẻ hoặc thể hiện trí tưởng tượng

  • the obviousness of the show's humour

    sự hiển nhiên của sự hài hước trong chương trình