Definition of marked


đánh dấu


The word "marked" has its origins in the Old English word "mearcian," meaning "to mark, to distinguish." This word is likely derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*markōn," which shared the same meaning. The concept of marking is ancient, dating back to prehistoric times when people used symbols or signs to identify ownership or convey information. This practice evolved into the use of marks for identification, measurement, and communication, which ultimately led to the modern meaning of the word "marked."


easy to see

dễ dàng nhận thấy

  • a marked difference/improvement

    một sự khác biệt/sự cải thiện rõ rệt

  • a marked increase in profits

    lợi nhuận tăng rõ rệt

  • She is quiet and studious, in marked contrast to her sister.

    Cô ấy trầm tính và chăm học, trái ngược hẳn với chị gái mình.

  • The recent advertising campaign has had a marked effect on sales.

    Chiến dịch quảng cáo gần đây đã có tác động rõ rệt đến doanh số bán hàng.

Related words and phrases

showing a particular feature or style, such as being formal or informal

thể hiện một tính năng hoặc phong cách cụ thể, chẳng hạn như trang trọng hoặc không chính thức

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


a marked man/woman
a person who is in danger because their enemies want to harm them
  • He has been a marked man since he decided to cooperate with the police.