Definition of nimbly


nhanh nhẹn


"Nimbly" originates from the Old English word "nim," meaning "quick" or "ready." It's related to the word "nimble," which itself is derived from "nim" and has a similar meaning. Over time, "nim" evolved into "nimble," and then "nimbly" emerged as an adverb, describing movement or action done with agility and speed. So, the next time you see someone move with grace and quickness, remember that "nimbly" is a word that captures that essence, tracing back to the ancient English word for "quick."


with quick and easy movements

với những chuyển động nhanh chóng và dễ dàng

  • She climbed nimbly up the ladder.

    Cô nhanh nhẹn leo lên thang.

in a way that shows you are able to think and understand quickly

theo cách cho thấy bạn có khả năng suy nghĩ và hiểu nhanh

  • He then took questions, nimbly avoiding one about tax cuts.

    Sau đó, ông đặt câu hỏi và nhanh chóng tránh một câu hỏi về việc cắt giảm thuế.