Definition of maudlin




Word Originlate Middle English (as a noun denoting Mary Magdalen): from Old French Madeleine, from Church Latin Magdalena, from Greek (Maria hē) Magdalēnē ‘(Mary of) Magdala’ (to whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection; John 20:1–18 in the Bible), formerly identified with the sinner of Luke 7:37. The current sense derives from allusion to pictures of Mary Magdalen weeping.


talking in a silly, emotional way, often feeling sorry for yourself

nói chuyện một cách ngớ ngẩn, xúc động, thường cảm thấy có lỗi với bản thân

  • He gets very maudlin after a few drinks.

    Anh ấy trở nên rất ủy mị sau vài ly rượu.

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expressing or causing exaggerated emotions, especially in way that is not sincere

bày tỏ hoặc gây ra cảm xúc cường điệu, đặc biệt là theo cách không chân thành

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