Definition of pathetic


đáng thương hại


The word "pathetic" originated in the 15th century from the Greek word "pathetikos," meaning "affecting the passions." It was used to describe something that evoked emotions, particularly pity or sympathy. In its early sense, the word had a neutral connotation, implying a sense of empathy or compassion. Over time, the meaning of "pathetic" shifted, and by the 17th century, it had taken on a more negative connotation. It began to describe something as excessively sentimental, mawkish, or insincere. By the 18th century, the word was often used to criticize something as overly emotional or melodramatic. In modern English, "pathetic" is often used to describe something that is not just sentimental but also weak, ineffective, or cringe-worthy. For example, you might say, "The team's pathetic performance was embarrassing to watch." Despite its negative connotation, the word "pathetic" is still used to describe something that elicits strong emotions, often in a critical or sarcastic tone.


making you feel sad

làm bạn cảm thấy buồn

  • a pathetic and lonely old man

    một ông già đáng thương và cô đơn

  • The starving children were a pathetic sight.

    Những đứa trẻ chết đói là một cảnh tượng thật thảm hại.

Extra examples:
  • There was something a little pathetic about her.

    Có điều gì đó hơi đáng thương ở cô ấy.

  • She thought he looked a pathetic figure.

    Cô nghĩ anh ta trông thật thảm hại.

Related words and phrases

weak and not successful

yếu và không thành công

  • a pathetic excuse

    một lời bào chữa thảm hại

  • She made a pathetic attempt to smile.

    Cô cố gắng mỉm cười một cách thảm hại.

  • I know it sounds pathetic, but I can’t ride a bike.

    Tôi biết điều đó nghe có vẻ thảm hại, nhưng tôi không thể đi xe đạp.

  • You're pathetic!

    Bạn thật thảm hại!

Extra examples:
  • The whole thing is absolutely pathetic.

    Toàn bộ sự việc là hoàn toàn thảm hại.

  • What a pathetic coward!

    Thật là một kẻ hèn nhát thảm hại!

  • I felt like a pathetic loser.

    Tôi cảm thấy mình như một kẻ thua cuộc thảm hại.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases