Definition of sappy


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The word "sappy" has a fascinating history. Initially, it came from the Old French word "sape," which means "sap" or "juice" of plants. In the 15th century, the term referred to the sap or juice of trees, particularly in the context of making maple syrup. Over time, the meaning of "sappy" shifted to describe something that is sentimental, mushy, or excessively emotional. This sense of the word emerged in the late 19th century. By the mid-20th century, "sappy" became a common adjective to describe overly dramatic or sentimental writing, music, or behavior. Today, "sappy" is often used to express annoyance or disdain towards overly sentimental or mawkish content, but it's also occasionally used ironically to describe something that is intentionally cheesy or sentimental.


silly and sentimental; full of unnecessary emotion

ngớ ngẩn và tình cảm; đầy cảm xúc không cần thiết

full of sap

đầy nhựa cây

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