Definition of masterfully


một cách khéo léo


The word "masterfully" has a rich history. It originates from the 15th century, when it was first used in Middle English as "masteryfully". The term is derived from the Old French word "mestier", meaning "art" or "skill", and the suffix "-fully", which forms an adverb. In its initial usage, "masterfully" referred to the act of mastering or dominating a particular skill or art. Over time, the word evolved to mean being performed or done in a skilful or accomplished manner, implying a high level of expertise or proficiency. Today, "masterfully" is commonly used to describe something that is executed with great skill, craftsmanship, or artistry, whether it be a work of art, a musical performance, or a athletic achievement.


in a way that shows great confidence and the ability to control people or situations

theo cách thể hiện sự tự tin lớn và khả năng kiểm soát mọi người hoặc tình huống

  • He took her arm masterfully and led her away.

    Anh nắm lấy cánh tay cô một cách khéo léo và dẫn cô đi.

in a way that shows great skill or understanding

theo cách thể hiện kỹ năng hoặc sự hiểu biết tuyệt vời

  • a masterfully crafted novel

    một cuốn tiểu thuyết được chế tác một cách khéo léo