Definition of exquisitely


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"Exquisitely" traces back to the Latin word "exquisitus," meaning "sought out" or "refined." It entered English in the 14th century, initially meaning "carefully chosen" or "selected." Over time, the meaning shifted to emphasize the quality of something chosen, leading to its current usage to describe something extremely beautiful, delicate, or perfect. The "ex-" prefix emphasizes the thoroughness of the selection, hinting at the exceptional nature of the thing being described.


in a way that is extremely beautiful or carefully made

theo cách cực kỳ đẹp hoặc được làm cẩn thận

  • an exquisitely crafted glass sculpture

    một tác phẩm điêu khắc thủy tinh được chế tác tinh xảo

in a way that is very strongly felt

theo cách được cảm nhận rất mạnh mẽ

  • Even light pressure was exquisitely painful.

    Ngay cả áp lực nhẹ cũng vô cùng đau đớn.

in way that is very sensitive

theo cách đó thì rất nhạy cảm

  • an exquisitely refined auditory sense

    một thính giác tinh tế tinh tế