Definition of loyalist


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The word "loyalist" originates from the Old French word "loyal," meaning "faithful" or "true." It entered English around the 14th century and initially referred to someone who was "faithful to their king or lord." During the American Revolution, the term "Loyalist" was specifically used to describe colonists who remained loyal to the British Crown, as opposed to those who supported the American Revolutionaries. This historical usage solidified the term's association with political allegiance and continues to be used in modern contexts.


a person who promises support and commitment to the leader or government, or to a political party, especially during a time of change

người hứa hẹn ủng hộ và cam kết với người lãnh đạo hoặc chính phủ, hoặc với một đảng chính trị, đặc biệt là trong thời điểm có nhiều thay đổi

a person who supports the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland

một người ủng hộ sự hợp nhất giữa Vương quốc Anh và Bắc Ireland

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