Definition of insecure


không an toàn


The word "insecure" originated in the late 16th century, specifically in the year 1584. At that time, the word "insecure" was spelled "inusury" and was used in a legal context to describe a type of debt called "inusury debts" as they were considered to be unlawfully high-interest debts. The word "insecure" started to be used more broadly in the early 18th century, and by the mid-19th century, it had gained its current meaning of feeling lack of confidence, uncertainty, or doubt about oneself. It's believed that this new meaning was first used to describe people who had lost their sense of financial security due to economic hardships or other unforeseen circumstances, leaving them feeling insecure about their future. Over time, the meaning of the word "insecure" has expanded to encompass emotional and personal insecurities as well. It's now commonly used to describe people who lack self-confidence or have doubts about their own abilities, relationships, or personal qualities. In its modern usage, the word "insecure" is often used as a verb, such as "I feel insecure about my presentation today," or as an adjective, such as "I'm raising my insecure child to be more confident." Overall, the use of the word "insecure" has evolved from its origins as a legal term describing high-interest debts, to a broader description of personal and emotional insecurity.


not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people

không tự tin về bản thân hoặc mối quan hệ của bạn với người khác

  • He's very insecure about his appearance.

    Anh ấy rất tự ti về ngoại hình của mình.

  • She felt nervous and insecure.

    Cô cảm thấy lo lắng và bất an.

Extra examples:
  • He felt a little insecure about being left alone.

    Anh cảm thấy hơi bất an khi bị bỏ lại một mình.

  • a star who is notoriously insecure about her looks

    một ngôi sao nổi tiếng là không tự tin về ngoại hình của mình

  • He was a rather insecure young man with a slight stammer.

    Anh ta là một thanh niên khá bất an và hơi nói lắp.

not safe or protected

không an toàn hoặc được bảo vệ

  • Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.

    Việc làm ngày nay bấp bênh hơn nhiều so với mười năm trước.

  • As an artist he was always financially insecure.

    Là một nghệ sĩ, anh luôn bất an về tài chính.

  • Many people use insecure passwords or they use the same password for everything.

    Nhiều người sử dụng mật khẩu không an toàn hoặc họ sử dụng cùng một mật khẩu cho mọi thứ.

  • Insecure doors and windows (= for example, without good locks) make life easy for burglars.

    Cửa ra vào và cửa sổ không an toàn (= ví dụ, không có ổ khóa tốt) làm cho cuộc sống của kẻ trộm trở nên dễ dàng.

  • men who are worried about losing their jobs and becoming financially insecure

    những người đàn ông lo lắng về việc mất việc và trở nên bất an về tài chính

likely to move, fall down, etc.

có khả năng di chuyển, rơi xuống, vv.

  • an insecure ladder/footbridge

    một cái thang/cầu đi bộ không an toàn

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