Definition of indifferently


thờ ơ


"Indifferently" comes from the Latin "indifferens," which literally means "not different." It combines the negative prefix "in-" with "differens," meaning "different." The word's journey through language reflects a shift in meaning. While originally referring to a lack of distinction, it evolved to describe a state of not caring or showing preference. This change likely arose from the idea that someone who is indifferent doesn't see a difference between options.


in a way that shows you are not interested in or do not care about somebody/something

theo cách cho thấy bạn không quan tâm hoặc không quan tâm đến ai/cái gì

  • He shrugged indifferently.

    Anh nhún vai thờ ơ.

not very well; using little skill

không tốt lắm; sử dụng ít kỹ năng

  • The pictures were indifferently painted and poorly exhibited.

    Những bức tranh được vẽ một cách thờ ơ và trưng bày kém.