Definition of neutrally


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The word "neutrally" comes from the Latin word "neuter," meaning "neither." This word, in turn, is a combination of "ne," meaning "not," and "uter," meaning "either." "Neutral" originally referred to something that was neither male nor female, but it came to mean "not belonging to either side" in the 16th century. This meaning evolved into the current sense of "without bias or preference," leading to the adjective "neutral" and the adverb "neutrally."


in a way that does not support or help either side in a disagreement, competition, etc.

theo cách không hỗ trợ hoặc giúp đỡ một trong hai bên trong sự bất đồng, cạnh tranh, v.v.

  • The facts must be presented neutrally and objectively.

    Sự thật phải được trình bày một cách trung lập và khách quan.

Related words and phrases

in a way that deliberately does not express any strong feeling

theo cách cố ý không thể hiện bất kỳ cảm giác mạnh mẽ nào

  • ‘Thank you,’ he replied neutrally.

    “Cảm ơn,” anh trả lời một cách trung lập.

with neither a positive nor a negative electrical charge

không mang điện tích dương hay điện tích âm

  • neutrally charged particles

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