Definition of impersonally


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The word "impersonally" has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy. The term "persona" referred to a mask worn by actors in Greek theater to portray different characters. This concept was later adopted by the Roman poet and philosopher Cicero, who used the term "persona" to describe the social and moral masks people wore to conceal their true characters. The adjective "impersonal" was coined in the 15th century to describe something that was free from personal characteristics, emotions, or biases. It was originally used to describe a literary style, such as a narrator in a play or a poem who was not identified with a particular character. Over time, the term "impersonally" became commonly used to describe actions, decisions, or communications made without consideration for personal interests, feelings, or relationships. In modern usage, it often carries a neutral or objective connotation, implying a focus on fairness, fairness, and transparency.


in a way that lacks friendly human feelings or atmosphere and may make you feel unimportant

theo cách thiếu đi tình cảm thân thiện của con người hoặc bầu không khí và có thể khiến bạn cảm thấy mình không quan trọng

  • He treated her coldly and impersonally, like a stranger.

    Anh đối xử với cô lạnh lùng và vô cảm như một người xa lạ.

in a way that does not refer to any particular person; in a way that is not concerned with people as individuals

theo cách không ám chỉ đến bất kỳ cá nhân cụ thể nào; theo cách không liên quan đến con người như những cá nhân

  • The doctors learn to look at patients impersonally.

    Các bác sĩ học cách nhìn nhận bệnh nhân một cách khách quan.

using ‘it’ or ‘there’ as the subject

sử dụng ‘it’ hoặc ‘there’ làm chủ ngữ

  • Some verbs can be used impersonally.

    Một số động từ có thể được sử dụng một cách khách quan.